Monday, February 1, 2010

Moving Thoughts

Last night I got out my conversational Spanish book and had fun talking back and forth with Mark. Of course, he answered me all in Italian.

When we arrived back from Italy after six years, I took a conversational Spanish course (we lived in California -- a must!), and I drove the professor nuts by combining Italian and Spanish (all the time!). I think he gave me an "A" just to get rid of me (he didn't want a repeat student).

Today, I'm reading the proofs of my book, Moms of Sons, and cleaning out my office (no small task). I have three piles: to throw away, to save, and to file. Since we will not be doing the "container" thing like we did when we left for Italy (half of it was stolen anyway), we're just bringing clothes, a few pictures, and some books. That's it! I haven't figured out what pictures to take with me, so now comes the weeding out process. Ouch!

It doesn't help that I have a problem with making up my mind. That will soon change!

Until next time...hasta luego!

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