
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bad Hair Days!

“Honey, what do you think of my hair?” I asked, not really wanting to know the answer. 

“Hmm…it will grow back—right?” Mark said, half smiling. 

My hubby doesn’t have much sympathy for hair issues; he’s been bald for the past 38 years! 

My “peluquería” experience last Friday—at a new place right down the street from our apartment—was a bold experiment.  My beloved hairdresser on the other side of town (Lucy’s) was all booked up and since we had a special date with friends at Mansion Alcazar that evening, I ventured out of my comfort zone for a “trim.” 

Here’s what I forgot: Once you find someone to do your hair the way you like it in Cuenca – stick with that person—no matter what.  I call Lucy the “hair whisperer.” Without even breathing a sound she winks and says, “Ya lo tengo!” (loosely translated: I’ll take care of it!). The female version of “Scissorhands,” she sculpts and shapes your hair in ten minutes with the skill of a neurosurgeon—handing off instruments to five assistants until she has completed her pièce de résistance. I’ve never been disappointed—not once.

That’s where I went wrong! I didn’t wait for Lucy—I proceeded on my own into uncharted territory, armed with a photo which received a quick glance before the scissors took over. My Spanish is at that level where I can talk myself in or out of almost anything, but nothing prepared me for what I saw when I glanced up from the May issue of Hogar Magazine.

¿Qué pasó?”  I shrieked.
The hairdresser smiled politely and responded, “¿Le gusta?”

I had a hard time finding the appropriate adjectives that adequately conveyed my thoughts. That’s when I realized that only time, patience and lots of love would see me through this new hair disaster.

All I can say is I’ll be wearing a ponytail a lot in the next six months while waiting for my next Lucy appointment. 

I liken my hair snafu to what we all experience when we come to Ecuador for the first time. Some of us have high expectations – too high—and are easily disappointed. Others come with an open mind and heart, ready for an adventure of a lifetime—looking at every situation as an opportunity to learn and grow. And somewhere in between is a happy medium where you have realistic expectations, you’re patient with yourself and others—taking the bumps as they come—and vowing to do it better the next time.

Life isn’t perfect – not here – not anywhere. And life is really what you make it – hair disasters and all. I’ve actually made friends with my curling iron and blow dryer during the last few days—something I haven’t had to do in decades. 
Who knows, this just might be the best thing that ever happened to me! 

Until next time…hasta luego!


Lucy Estillista
Calle Los Pinos y Ordonez Lasso 
Edificio Los Pinos - Planta Baja 1-D
Telf:  282-3331

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