
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Green and Clean Cuenca!

This morning on my walk along the Tomebamba River, I noticed that the huge holes in the ground -- made last week -- were being filled with trees!

And then across the river, I saw huge signs: "Cuenca: Un mundo limpio y verde!" When I looked down in the river (more rocks than water right now!), there were school kids, the army and city officials cleaning up garbage in and along the river. What a great way to make a not so clean job lots of fun!

In two weeks' time, we have had a variety of new gardens planted, new trees, and a cleaner river --  made possible by the "Keep Cuenca Clean and Green" motto.

There was a huge celebration with the school band playing, photographers from the newspaper (El Mercurio y El Tiempo) snapping up photos, and officials giving speeches -- thanking all those who volunteered.

The all girls school was called out and they were busy planting trees, when the army marched through! Everyone had a hand in "sprucing" up Cuenca today.

This evening Mark and I took Mocha out for his evening run along the river and we all enjoyed the new look. Keeping Cuenca green and clean is our motto too!

Until next time...hasta luego!

Just a side note: We are in the "spring season"  here in Cuenca and something is always blooming. Normally I suffer from terrible allergies, but nothing here so far (yippee!).


  1. That's my impression about Cuenca. A clean, green and beautiful city ( I visited it in October). I am glad for your non-allergy spring. Being myself alergic to all kind of aerian things, it is good to know that those aren't (yet?)...agressive.
    Thank you for your posts

  2. Yes, Nicholas, it is a blessing not to suffer from allergies. Having lived most of my life in California, Italy and Pennsylvania (where I suffered miserably), I can say it was worth the move to Cuenca to be rid of all that! What a gorgeous place this; we are so grateful.

  3. Hi Connie...We haven't been there yet, but it really does look beautiful, and clean and green!
